ISA Transfers


Cash ISA transfers

Cash ISAs have suffered from low interest rates for many years, but our Ethical Stocks and Shares ISA aims to achieve higher returns over the medium to long term by investing in a single fund containing a mix of stock market investments, government and corporate bonds, property and cash.

Transfer a Stocks and Shares ISA

If you are looking for a lower risk ISA, our Healthy Investment Stocks and Shares ISA could be ideal as you will be investing into our Ethical With-profits Fund, which includes a mix of stocks and shares, fixed interest bonds, commercial property and cash deposits. The mix of assets held changes over time.

Invest and make a difference

We seek to invest in companies that are explicitly involved in activities that benefit society and the environment. We avoid investing in companies in certain industries and those that do harm. Invest for a good financial return and make a difference to the world we live in.

Start your Healthy Investment ISA
Transfer cash ISAs and stocks and shares ISAs up to a limit of £500,000 without affecting your annual ISA allowance.
Ethical ISAs

No direct investment in the alcohol, tobacco and arms industries, gambling and pornography providers or companies that make products that have been tested on animals.

Must be over 18
Safe and secure - 100% of your investment covered under the Financial Services Compensation Scheme, not limited to £50,000 or £85,000.
Transfer ISAs to Ours without affecting your allowance
Bonuses added annually depending on investment performance, once added cannot be taken away.

Khadija Provided excellent customer service. And found a solution in a speedy and polite manner.

Very easy to navigate and the questions were clear and simple.

Healthy investment has been really helpful to me as I knew nothing about my trust fund until not long ago, quick responses and helpful advice

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Important Points

You might consider the Healthy Investment Ethical ISA if you have an existing cash ISA and are looking for an investment that has some risk but the potential to achieve higher returns over the medium to long term.

The risks and potential returns of stocks and shares ISAs are different to cash ISAs.

You might also consider this ISA if you wish to reduce the risk profile of an existing Stocks and Shares ISA by investing in the Healthy Investment Ethical Stocks and Shares ISA that invests in a single fund of stocks and shares, fixed interest bonds, commercial property and cash deposits with a low to medium risk profile.

You can invest any amount up to £500,000 with the knowledge that 100% of your investment is covered under the financial services compensation scheme.

Transferring your ISA is simple. We take care of all the details and contact your existing providers to arrange the ISA transfer. All we need is the name of your existing supplier and your ISA account number.

Important Documents


"The lady who dealt with my claim at Healthy Investment was excellent, well-mannered and very helpful all round."
Ann from Isle of Man

*Terms & Conditions

How much cash back could be received?

£50 cash back for an investment of £2,000 to £4,999 or regular savings of £50 to £99 a month
£100 cash back for an investment of £5,000 to £9,999 or regular savings of £100 to £149 a month
£150 cash back for an investment of £10,000 to £19,999 or regular savings of £150 to £199 a month
£200 cash back for an investment of £20,000 to £29,999 or regular savings over £200 per month
£250 cash back for an investment of £30,000 to £39,999
£300 cash back for an investment of £40,000 to £49,999
£350 cash back for an investment of £50,000 to £59,999
£400 cash back for an investment over £60,000

Terms and conditions:

The application must be for a new Ethical ISA or one transferred from another provider.
This offer is only available to online enquiries/applications or telephone enquiries quoting the unique code.
The Society reserves the right to deduct the value of the cashback from ISAs surrendered within the first 12 months of the investment.
Healthy Investment and HMRC rules apply.
If the policy is closed within the cooling off period no cashback will be paid.
Cashback will be paid after the end of the cooling off period.
This offer does not apply to any top ups made to an existing plan.
Healthy Investment is the promoter of this offer.
Healthy Investment reserves the right to withdraw or amend this offer at any time.
The offer is not available to customers via the adviser channel.
This offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer, incentive or voucher.

Important Information

Capital at risk.
During adverse investment conditions investors may get back less than invested.

When will the cash back be received?

Cash back payments will be paid directly to the investor after eligible investments have been completed and after the end of the cooling off period.

If there's anything
you don't understand,
we're here to help.
Call Jerrol on 0161 762 5790

Alternatively you can
send us a message
using our contact form.

Apply Online

Opening a Healthy Investment ISA is really easy.

If you have any questions now or whilst you are applying just give us a ring or send us a message and we will help you.

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