ISA Transfer Application

Please note that your information is saved on our server as you enter it.

Step 1 of 4

  • We are delighted that you have chosen to transfer your ISA(s) to a Healthy Investment ISA.

    The application process is quite straightforward.

    Once you have completed the information online we will send you a policy pack in the post which will include a copy of the documents you have seen online together with a printed copy of your application form.

    You will need to check and sign the documents and return them. We will then contact your current ISA provider, arrange the transfer and confirm when it has been completed.

    If you wish to make additional investments into your ISA in this tax year you will be able to arrange this as you complete the application process.

    Please read through these documents before proceeding with your application. There is no need to print them as copies will be sent to you.

  • Key Information Document - Single Payment


  • Key Information Document - Regular Payment


  • Terms & Conditions


  • Your Details

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