
This week sees the 9th annual Cycle To Work Day ( ) which aims to encourage and increase the use of bicycles as a means of both transport and also individual exercise.

Cycle To Work Day is an annual “event” which this year takes on an increasing relevance due to the current ongoing Coronavirus situation.

Cycling as a form of exercise is actively encouraged by the government by means of the Cycle To Work scheme, whereby employees can purchase a bike tax free whilst spreading the costs over a number of months.

Cycling has become much more popular during the recent lockdown period, with sales of bicycles soaring. Cycling is a great thing to do, is much healthier than using the car and helps keep the atmosphere clean and carbon emissions low.

So let's keep it going: let's stay on our bikes for commuting to work and for pleasure – and what better time to start than Cycle To Work Day on 6 August!

Peter Green, Chief Executive says “ The ethical side of encouraging personal fitness sits nicely alongside our own ethical investment policy whereby we do not invest in companies involved in the gambling, tobacco, alcohol, armaments or adult entertainment industries. We are pleased to support the governments policy of promoting cycling as being good for the individual, reducing pollution and thus being good for the environment.”

For more information on purchasing a bike, tax free, visit;

Cycle more to keep healthy, use the above links for more information.

To keep your finances healthy visit

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