Junior ISA Transfer


Transfer a Junior Cash ISA

Cash ISAs have suffered from low interest rates for some years and now that balances in Junior ISAs are growing to significant levels it's time to look at alternative ways to improve returns. Our Ethical Stocks and Shares Junior ISA gives you this opportunity over the medium to long term by investing in a single fund containing a mix of stock market investments, government and corporate bonds, property and cash deposits.

Transfer a Stocks and Shares Junior ISA

As the Junior ISA gets nearer to maturity you may be looking to invest the money already built up in your existing stocks and shares Junior ISA to a fund that has a lower risk profile.

If so, our Healthy Investment Junior ISA could be just the place to save and invest for your child as it invests in our Ethical With-profits Fund that includes stocks and shares but also a large proportion of fixed interest bonds, commercial property and cash deposits. Whilst the mix of assets changes over time it will continue to have a low to medium risk profile.

Guaranteed return

Wouldn’t it be great to offer a child a guaranteed, tax-free payout when they turn 18? Well, with our Junior ISA that’s what they get - for all investments held over 5 years, we guarantee they will receive all of the money that has been invested, plus all the bonuses that have been added. They may also receive a final bonus. For investments held for less than 5 years at age 18, we make this same promise on the 5th anniversary of every investment.


Only a parent or guardian of a child under 16 can open or transfer a Junior ISA, but once it’s open anyone can make more investments. Once they’re over 16 they can even open their own Junior ISA or transfer it to a different provider.

Our Junior ISA is truly flexible - you can change or pause payments whenever you need to. We accept transfers for any amount above £100 - after that you can invest up to £9,000 every year.
An ethical investment- reassuring you that your money isn't directly invested in harmful industries, such as alcohol, tobacco and arms industries and gambling and pornography providers.
We provide both Child Trust Funds and Junior ISAs, so if you’d like to discuss transferring a CTF to a Junior ISA, just let us know. We can’t offer advice, but we’d be happy to talk through the differences with you.

This was such a nice and easy experience for me to unlock my trust fund. Initially there were a few hiccups like misaligned information (wrong address listed in the system) but this was so easy to fix by just sending proof of the updated address – however I must note that it was slightly difficult for me to send an… Read more “This was such a nice”

It was a speedy process 1-5 working days is equivalent to around 2 days amazing service able to call whenever you feel like and super quick answer.

5 stars

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Important Points

Junior ISAs are available to any UK resident under the age of 18, who do not have a Child Trust Fund.

For children under the age of 16 they can only be opened by the child's parents or guardians, but once open anyone can invest in them for the benefit of the child. If the child is between 16 and 18 they can open one themselves.

You might consider transferring a Junior ISA to a Healthy Investment Junior ISA if you already save  in a cash Junior ISA or a savings account and you are now looking for an investment that has some risk but the potential for higher returns.

You cannot have both a Child Trust Fund and a Junior ISA but you can transfer an existing Child Trust Fund to a Junior ISA.

You should see this Junior ISA as a medium to long term investment for your child's savings.

A child can only have one Junior Stocks and Shares (Investment) ISA at any time so the whole of an existing Junior ISA has to be transferred to avoid any loss of the tax free status of a Junior ISA.

Important Documents

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Call Jerrol on 0161 762 5790

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Opening a Healthy Investment Junior ISA is really easy.

If you have any questions now or whilst you are applying just give us a ring or send us a message and we will help you.

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